CVCheck’s Credit Default Check will provide information of an individual who may have problems with their personal finances which can lead to credit defaults. The check will provide details of the defendants’ name, plaintiffs’ name, type of court action, amount and date lodged. This check is especially important for occupations involved with the financial dealings of a company such as finance managers, mortgage brokers, credit providers and accountants.
This check entails a search of the following public court action records from available courts according to the relevant state/territory laws/policies:
Western Australia (WA)
• WA Claims (Summons) from the Local Court
• District & Supreme Court Writs
• Judgments and Notices of Discontinuances from Local, District & Supreme Courts
South Australia (SA)
• Magistrates Court Civil Claims
• District & Supreme Court Writs
• Judgments and Notices of Discontinuances from District, Magistrates & Supreme Courts
Tasmania (TAS)
• Magistrates Court Summons
• Supreme Court Writs
• Judgments and Notices of Discontinuances from Magistrates & Supreme Courts
Queensland (QLD)
• Magistrates Court Orders
• District & Supreme Court Writs
• Judgments, Judgment Set Asides and Notices of Discontinuances from District, Magistrates & Supreme Courts
Northern Territory (NT)
• Magistrates Court Orders
• Supreme Court Writs
• Judgments and Notices of Discontinuances from Magistrates & Supreme Courts
Victoria (VIC)
• County & Magistrates Court Orders
• District & Supreme Court Writs
• Judgments and Notices of Discontinuances from all courts
New South Wales (NSW)
• Local Court Statement of Claims
• Magistrates Court Judgments
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
• Current data protection laws prevent any court actions to be collected from the ACT.
Public court action records are retained for the following lengths of time:
• Summons, WA Claims, District & Supreme Court Writs, Magistrate & County Court Orders: For the past 3 years
• Judgments: For the past 5 years
Note: This check is conducted on an individual’s current full name, so if an individual was known by any other names, it is recommended that a Credit Default (Previous Name) Check be conducted on each additional name.
* All turnaround times are estimated working days and are provided as a guide only. Turnaround times are based on our experience of the time taken for the majority of these checks to be delivered. However, CVCheck is reliant on third parties for supply of information, and in some cases those third parties may take longer to supply that information. Accordingly, CVCheck does not give any time guarantees for any checks or bundle packages. It is CVCheck’s policy and practice to keep you informed as much as possible if there are any unusual delays.