“[CVCheck] is great because it empowers the client to get their checks completed, and we are notified in a timely manner if there’s any issues or hold ups. It’s an excellent website.”
Metz Nelio
Employment Account Manager
The client.
For 60 years AMES Australia has helped refugees and migrants settle into Victoria. AMES works with new arrivals, the community, businesses, and the government to develop sustainable and effective settlement solutions for the whole Victorian community. AMES works under the vision of full participation for all in a cohesive and diverse society.
AMES Employment Account Manager Metz Nelio explains:
“We’re a Jobactive provider, and my role sees me assist jobseekers with finding suitable and gainful employment. We hire in any industry relevant to the jobseeker’s experience.”
The objectives.
- Ascertain if a candidate is the right fit for a role.
- Place as many suitable jobseekers in employment as possible.
- Enable clients to complete a background check from their phone.
- Reduce administration time, while ensuring candidate suitability checks have been carried out thoroughly and accurately.
- Placing only suitable candidates in roles.
The results.
Metz explains the results AMES has seen since working with CVCheck:
“We like the platform and the site is easy to use, meaning that we can reduce unnecessary administration work. From our client’s perspective, they are notified via text to complete the background check, which is fantastic because they can do it all from their phone and it’s easy to log in and upload what they need to.
Previously they had to come into the office and bring all their documentation, ID and evidence. It’s great because it empowers the client to get their checks completed, and we are notified in a timely manner if there’s any issues or hold ups. It’s an excellent website,” Metz finishes.
For the full client story on AMES, click here.