CVCheck Social Media House Rules
CVCheck is committed to providing social media users with a fantastic customer experience. We will take all reasonable steps to help answer your questions or concerns. We ask that if you interact with us on our social networks that you do so in a positive way. To help guide you on what our expectations are, we have developed the following house rules:
Protect Yourself
Be aware of your privacy and security.
Please don’t include any personal or sensitive information such as your username, user ID, bank account details, birthday, home address, phone number, drivers’ licence or tax file number on public facing posts. The CVCheck team may ask you to inbox or private message your full name, date of birth and email address so as to identify you and provide you answers to your check related questions. We will do our best to remove your personal information from public facing posts but can’t promise it will always be the case.
We will never ask you for your account password. If you receive a request for personal or sensitive information, please don’t respond. Let us know so we can help protect you and others.
Respect and Protect Others
Other users have rights.
Before you upload anything to the page – text images, video or audio. Make sure you’re allowed to do it. It’s your responsibility to ensure that any content you post doesn’t infringe the intellectual property or other rights of other people or organisations.
If we have concerns that you’ve infringed upon these rights, we may at our discretion delete content that has been uploaded or posted to our page.
If you post obscene, vulgar, distressing or graphic content, including criminal related content we will take it very seriously, will edit or remove your post and may notify local or federal police and/or report your account to the relevent social network you posted to.
Know when and why we will moderate your comments
We don’t take decisions on moderating posts lightly but we can and will remove posts that don’t adhere to our house rules or aren’t in line with the expectations of social network users. We may also block users who repeatedly break house rules or spam multiple posts with comments. We will remove posts containing:
– Inaccurate, misleading or inappropriate statements about CVCheck, its products and it’s people
– Personal or confidential information
– Abusive, defamatory, offensive or hateful language
– Unlawful information
– Trolling or deliberately disruptive comments
– Unnecessarily or unhelpfully repetitive posts
– Violations of intellectual property or copyrights
– Solicitation of services
– Spam
– Suspicious links e.g. phishing
– Malicious, criminal, obscene, vulgar, distressing or graphic content
Help us keep things suitable for all users. If you think a post, picture or comment has broken any of our house rules please contact the team by private message or email [email protected]
Other important information
- Posts on CVCheck’s Facebook pages by the general public and CVCheck employees do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CVCheck and CVCheck does not guarantee their accuracy
- By using or accessing this page, we assume that you’re familiar with and agree to comply with Facebook’s Terms and Conditions
- As this is a public forum and participation is voluntary, by posting on CVCheck’s social networks, you grant CVCheck and its affiliates the rights to use any content posted in any way and in any media without legal or monetary obligation to the owner, author or poster of the content
- You can unlike us at any time if you no longer want to like the CVCheck Facebook page. You can change your notification settings by visiting the CVCheck Facebook page and you can opt out of receiving updates from CVCheck by hiding all notifications