Ministry of Social Development: Social Service Providers – Safety Checks
CV Check (NZ) Ltd have been contracted by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) to provide safety checks on agency-funded providers including those who are sole traders, self-employed or owner operators. CVCheck and the MSD have worked in conjuction to identify what type of safety checks are required by sole providers/traders in order to meet relevant staffing requirements under the Social Sector Accreditation Standards (SSAS).
The type of safety checks required for order will depend if a sole provider/trader must comply with the Children’s Act 2014 (VCA) in order to meet SSAS. Click on one of the options that applies to your individual circumstances:
CVCheck’s role
CVCheck’s role is to allow sole providers and traders to easily order and receive the relevant safety checks through our secure online system. You’ll be able to download and share your completed safety checks with the MSD – allowing you to satisfy the relevant accreditation requirements sooner.
Screening for your whole organisation:
Through our secure online system, organisations can easily verify their employee’s personal and career information. We offer over 300 verification checks across 190 countries which includes; Police, Traffic, Employment References, Employment Verifications, Qualifications, Credit, Financial, Business and Children’s Worker Safety Checks.
Need help?
If you need any help ordering your checks or would like to learn more on how we can help your organisation screen its employees, please get in touch with us here.